Communication Coaching-tailored to suit your needs

Are you finding a job abroad more challenging than expected?A group during communication coaching.

It doesn’t have to be that way.  You’re not alone. The job market can be tough for newcomers. Ask around, and you will hear countless stories of expats – even highly qualified professionals – who struggled for months and sometimes years before finding a stable, well-paid job.

Believe me, this has nothing to do with how experienced, how smart or how employable you are. It all boils down to a simple fact:

What got you hired back home will not necessarily get you hired in your adopted country. Reality!


Helping you thrive in The Netherlands

 It’s time to branch out!Expats consider communication coaching in the Netherlands.

Whether you moved to the Netherlands for work, adventure or to whatever the case may be, you want to make the most of your life in the Netherlands. But it does not matter, if your located somewhere else. I can still offer support.

Reality is your dream can easily get bogged down in the challenges of daily life. There’s good news: you can thrive not just exist.


[checklist icon=”fa-check” circle=”no” size=”medium” class=”” id=””]
  • Understand the cultural differences and feel confident with your move.
  • Acknowledge the process of what you’re going through.
  • Learning to adjust and to accept your new environment, while remaining who “you are”.
  • [/checklist]